How to Breastfeed After a Caesarean Section

A caesarean is waiting for you and you are worried whether you will have milk after the procedure and will you be able to breastfeed? Read on to find out everything you need to know about breastfeeding after caesarean section.

When childbirth proceeds properly, and a woman gives birth naturally, a newborn immediately after being born falls into the mother's arms. Attached to the breast, they will suck quickly. In the case of a caesarean, everything takes place a bit later, because mom is not able to feed straight away. Even though breastfeeding may be a bit more difficult after the procedure, you shouldn't worry. It is not childbirth that determines lactation.
Does the woman have food after the cc?
Food production begins around the 16th week of pregnancy. Lactation starts after childbirth. It is triggered by hormones, increased amounts of oxytocin and prolactin, and the lack of placenta. Regardless of how you give birth, milk will appear.
The hormones responsible for the production of milk are also produced when the baby sucks and stimulates the nipples. Rapid latch on helps to stimulate lactation, but is not a prerequisite for successful breastfeeding. Delayed stimulation as a result of a caesarean does not mean that feeding will be ineffective.
How to support lactation?
How quickly you can latch your baby to the breast depends on the type of anesthesia you had during caesarean surgery. If your condition allows it and you give birth under an epidural, you will likely be able to breastfeed right away to stimulate lactation.
If you are away from your baby, use a breast pump. Regular chewing stimulates the breasts to produce milk properly. There will be little of it at first. Don't worry about it. Express milk every 2-3 hours to systematically stimulate lactation. Over time, there will be more and more milk.
Lactation is supported not only by latching onto the breast, but also just seeing or hugging the newborn. Express milk next to the baby, if he is in the incubator, be with him, stroke him, touch him and talk to him.
Suction problems
It happens that the baby cannot suckle after it is born. Most newborns are born with this skill. It develops around week 17 of pregnancy, and in the middle of the third trimester, the baby learns to coordinate swallowing and breathing.
Don't give up and put your baby on as often as possible. If the problem arises, it is worth discussing with a lactation consultant.
How to feed after cesarean section
A caesarean section is a surgery. The abdomen must heal after it. You will feel discomfort and because of the seams for a while you will have to lie down. Despite the inconvenience, you can breastfeed. Not all positions will be for you. However, there are those in which you will be comfortable enough to feed your toddler without any problems. If you have trouble finding a good position for you, ask your midwife or other loved one to help you get into position.
It is important that you breastfeed in a position that is comfortable for you, one where the baby will not put pressure on the wound. You will have to lie on your back immediately after giving birth. The midwife will help you latch on your little one. She will place baby on you in such a way that his head is at the level of your breast with his mouth placed on the nipple. This is the supine position.
What may be most comfortable, especially at the beginning of your recovery, is lying on your side. Also try the position from under the armpit, where the toddler is lying on the back of mom's torso. It is easy to place the baby on the breast, and the postoperative wound is safe.
Take care of yourself
When you take care of yourself, you also take care of your lactation. Remember that when you feed, you need to eat well, drink plenty of water, and rest. You shouldn't stress and worry. Focus on what's important and don't think about any temporary difficulties, especially as the problems with the emperor will pass quickly. Be optimistic and remember that when it comes to feeding, positive attitude is half of the success!
BreastfeedingC-sectionCaesarean section

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